
Friday May 10, 2019
Episode 52 | Day Six Broadheads With Brian
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
Brian Brodrick from Day Six Gear joins me to talk about their new Broad head design hitting the market. This is a great episode for folks wanted to know what's important when designing and choosing a broad head to hunt with. What adds to the integrity of a head and why certain angles can be more beneficial than others.
You can check out the heads and arrows at www.daysixgear.com
To support the show become a Patron! www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast
Visit the podcast's website at www.onpointpodcast.com and signup for the new Newsletter today!

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Episode 51 | Gear Vs Woodsmanship With Born And Raised Outdoors
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
This Episode Cody, Trent and I sit down to discuss the gear priorities in contrast to woodsmanship skills. Both Trent and Cody have great skills in the woods while also utilizing gear as they need. My end of the spectrum I've become over adequate on the gear aspect and contrast that with their areas of expertise. It's a great conversation about gear priorities and what mental attitude you need to take into the woods.
Visit the Born and Raised Instragram at @bornandraisedoutdoors and subscribe to their YouTube channel for awesome hunting and fishing content!
You can subscribe to the OP newsletter here! www.onpointpodcast.com

Friday Apr 12, 2019
Episode 50 | Wolves In Oregon
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
This is episode I sit down with Wayne to discuss the re-ignited debate about the wolves in Oregon following the ODFW announcement; about how many wolves they have counted. This struck a nerve with the hunting community bringing lot's of information; some accurate, some not so much, from all sides. This is my attempt at delivering my stance on the issue along with good solid information to the debate. I hope it helps dispel some ideas surrounding the issues and motivates you to dig into the issue as well!
Find the latest content here and subscribe to the OP newsletter coming out this summer! www.onpointpodcast.com

Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Episode 49 | Tools Of The Trade With Chris Dunlap
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Chris Dunlap joins me again to talk about tools and equipment needed to start performing your own bow work. Chris is the owner of Elk River Archery based out of Aumsville, Oregon. To get a hold of Chris or to purchase the footers he makes visit his Instagram page at @Elk_River_Archery
The On Point Newsletter will be starting this Summer! To sign up go to www.onpointpodcast.com and click the "sign up" tab!
If you like the show and want to become a Patron visit www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast

Monday Apr 01, 2019
Episode 48 | Tooth Of The Arrow Broadheads With Luke Allison
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
I get to talk with the owner of the Tooth Of The Arrow Broadheads. I get to pick his brain on why he chose to go with the 4 blade design over the others he tested. For those who like the in depth conversations about broadhead development and why certain designs are quieter or better in certain areas than others, this is a great podcast for you!
Luke has a special right now if you want to try one of his broadheads go to www.toothofthearrowbroadheads.com and enter code "tryus" for a
$1.99 you can have one sent to your door to test out! Their Instagram is @toothofthearrowbroadheads as well.
Check out the podcasts website at www.onpointpodcast.com

Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Episode 47 | Early Spring Bear With Derek Carlton and Anthony Maldanado
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Derek, Anthony and I talk about hunting black bears early this season. We give our ideas tips and strategies for filling your tag faster.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Episode 46 | 3D Shoot Recap
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Mitch and I podcast on the way home from the 3d shoot at Cascadian Bowmen in Eugene Oregon. This was the first shoot with the budget bow setup being completed, and Mitch's first shoot of the year. We discuss how we did and what we need to work on moving forward.

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Episode 45 | How Good Is Good Enough?
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
This Episode Mitch and I discuss the different levels of being "On Point." Not everyone's situation is the same. Some may have more time and resources than others to become more efficient with their weapon or become more in shape. So, for those with limited time and resources how good is good enough? What areas are vital come hunting season? What is "On Point" for you?
Want to become a Patron and and gain exclusive access to the show? Become a patron today! www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Episode 45 | The Crutch
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
This Episode Anthony and I inspect our setups and what may be holding us back from getting to the next level as a hunter. Anything can really be considered a crutch when using gear for hunting. But, as a hunter that wants to be well rounded what are some things that we can go without to make oursleves better?

Friday Mar 08, 2019
Episode 44 | Budget Bow Update, & Drawing a Winner
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Back in the saddle again, Anthony and I discuss the budget bow build along with drawing the names of a couple winners for the Elk River Arrow Build and a Raptor Razor Kit.
Want to become eligible for these drawings? Become a patron to the show and gain exclusive access to the show. Patrons have special drawings for supporting the show!