
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Episode 43 | Starting A Rifle Build With Brian Delcollo
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
I sit down with Brian Delcollo and Brayden to discuss the beginning stages of building a long range rifle. This will be the beginning of a rifle series, a lot like we have done for the archery topics; covering beginner to more advanced aspects of long range builds. Let me know what you think about this episode. I've been excited to dig into this area and hope you enjoy!
If you're interested in supporting the podcast you can become a Patron to teh show. Get inside access to the show and become eligible in exclusive giveaways! www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast
www.onpointpodcast.com for gear and links to more content!

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Episode 42 | "Better Archery Through Aggressive Spending" With Carl Vaughn
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
This was a fun Episode to record with some good friends Anthony and Carl. Carl has been a comepition archer for over a decade and has a real good insight in setting a yourself and your bow for success. We discuss releases and Stabilizers for shooting wanting to up their game. The conversation leads to a lot of rabbit holes as usual which keeps the conversation interesting.
Want to support the Podcast? Become a Patron! www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast Gain exclusive access to the show and influence where the show goes by getting your questions answered!

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Episode 41 | The Hunting Public
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Aaron from The hunting Public Podcast & YouTube Channel sits down to cover their public land whitetail project and how they have managed to grow their platforms so fast. Aaron brings lot's of great tips for guys like me who live in the West and want to come hunt whitetails over East on public ground.
If you want more info on "THP" check out their YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzlnaIrdxwJITyrESOReqxg
"THP" Instagram @thehuntingpublic
Want to support the show? Become Patron! Gain exclusive access to the show by getting your questions answered. Have an idea for a future episode? Patrons have the most influence on where the show goes. Patrons also have exclusive GiveAways!!! www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast

Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Episode 40 | The Point Of Diminishing Returns With Bryan Broderick
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
This Episdoe Bryan Broderick, owner of Day Six Arrows and I discuss our thoughts on arrow building. Bryan is an advocate for shooting heavy arrows but has a great approach for the "one size fits all mentality" that some hunters may find themselves in. We talk about the point of dimishing returns for arrows. For those wanting to know how much weight and why it matters when building an arrow; this will help you decide what's best for you. I had a great time lsitening to Bryan and learned a lot, I hope you do to!
To check out Bryan's arrows you can visit his webiste at www.daysixgear.com or his Instagram at @daysixgear
Visit www.onpointpodcast.com for gear and links to all of my content!
www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast if you want to support the podcast and become an exclusive member to the show!

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Episode 39 | Planning An Alaska Adventure? With Steve Speck
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Steve and I discuss his experiences in planning a hunting trip for Alaska Caribou. If you've thought about what it takes and what to expect on an Alaska Caribou trip, this will be a good episode for you. Steve gives the costs associated with a trip and tips on getting the meat vack and essential gear to bring with you!
Steve owns Exo Mountain Gear and also co-hosts the @huntbackcountry podcast. Visit his website at www.exomountaingear.com to check out his packs!

Friday Jan 18, 2019
Episode 38 | Are you Redy? With Donnie Howell
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
This episode I invited Donnie from Redy Nutrients to help break down the supplement industry and how to find a good supplement off the shelf. Donnie has some great insight into nutrition and fitness and gives some great info on how the industry works and how you, as a consumer, can navigate through the smoke and mirrors many supplement companies use when selling their product. If you want to check out Donnie's products please visit his instragam @redynutrients

Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Episode 37 | Hunting The Backcountry With Jimmy Dean
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
You don't meet people like Jimmy Dean everyday, but when you do, you make sure to ask a lot of questions. Jimmy has tons of experience hunting in the backcountry and shares his knowledge on this episode of the podcast. We discuss what beignners need to know before taking off on their first backcountry experience.
Jimmy makes some awesome shelters for folks who like to hunt the backcountry, you can check them out at www.jimmytarps.com or on Instagram at @jimmy_tarps

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Episode 36 | Keeping The Tradition Alive With Jeff Barlow
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Jeff Barlow from Nimrod Outdoors talks about bringing up a family with 7 kids who hunt. We talk about how Jeff starts his kids into hunting and how to provide an opportunity for everyone while making it fun. For those hunting with kids or trying to build their platforms with a family, Jeff talks about how he gets it done. Follow thier Journey on YouTube at www.youtube.com/nimrodoutdoors
Instagram @nimrodoutdoors

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Episode 35 | 2019 Bow Lineups With Austin Kincaid and Chris Dunlap
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
This is Chris, Austin and I give our opinions of the 2019 bow lineups. We talk about our favorite bows from this year and some of the let downs. Remember, that these are our opinions and you may love something that we don't. So be sure to shoot as many bows as you can and form your opinion based off what's best for you!
Check Chris Dunlap's instagram out at @Elk_River_Archery Chris is based out of Aumsville and does some great work on arrow building and bow tuning.
Austin is based out of Portland and owns High Voltage Bowstrings. Austin makes some great strings that I've been using for years now. You can find him on facebook or check his instagram at @bowdoc.85
If you wanna support the podcast and gain exclusive access to the show along with special giveaways you can become a patron to the show at www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast
Visit www.onpointpodcast.com to buy "OP" hats and for links to my YouTube content as well!

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Episode 34 | Bow Tuning With Chris Dunlap & Austin Kincaid
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
This Episode I sit down with Chris Dunlap from Elk River Archery and Austin Kincaid of High Voltage Bowstrings. I ask Chris and Austin about their bow tuning processes and the different types of tuning needed for different cam system. There's lots of information in this episode for bowhunters wanting to work on their own bows.
Check Chris Dunlap's instagram out at @Elk_River_Archery Chris is based out of Aumsville and does some great work on arrow building and bow tuning.
Austin is based out of Portland and owns High Voltage Bowstrings. Austin makes some great strings that I've been using for years now. You can find him on facebook or check his instagram at @bowdoc.85
If you wanna support the podcast and gain exclusive access to the show along with special giveaways you can become a patron to the show at www.patreon.com/onpointpodcast
Visit www.onpointpodcast.com to buy "OP" hats and for links to my YouTube content as well!