
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Episode 14 | Chasing Your Dreams With Bob Morgan
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
I sit down with Bob from Elk Addicts. If you want to listen to an excuse eliminator, this will be a great episode for you. It's never to late to start chasing your dreams. Whether you're in your teens or in your 70's it all comes down to how bad you want it. You can do anything you want to, off you wangt to bad enough. Bob's dream is to film his hunting adventures and be able to help his fellow outdoorsman out along the way. This includes our own listeners :)
Follow bow on instagram! @supersneek101

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Episode 13 | Gear Priorities For The Day Hunter
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Anthony and I discuss the "must haves' for our day hunts. These are items that we consider crucial to our success. We also cover items that are "wants" more than "needs." Wandering what you may be forgetting on your next hunt, let us help you remeber!

Monday Jul 16, 2018
Episode 12 | The Broadhead Episode
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Monday Jul 16, 2018
This episode is all about broadheads. I sit down with Anthony and Chris to discuss many different aspects of broadheads. We hear it all the time; "what's the best broadhead?" Well, we dive into what broadhead may be the best for you and your setup and for the animal you're hunting.
You can follow Chris at Elk_River_Archery on Intagram
You can follow Anthony on instagram at Teamdirtytrad

Friday Jul 13, 2018
Episode 11 | Spot and Stalk Muledeer With South Cox
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
I get to sit down with South Cox from Stalker Stick Bows to talk about spot and stalk Muledeer. South has had some great success stalking big bucks with his trad bow and shares his tips and strategies for making it happen.
South's newest film; Stalker Films "Return To The Backcountry" is becoming available very soon so be sure to follow his instagram at @stalkerstickbows for details.
Visit his website @ www.stalkerstickbows.com for more inforamation.
South's podcast: The Western Bowhunter

Monday Jul 09, 2018
Episode 10 | Elk Calling Academy With Michael Batease
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Want to learn how to speak elk? Michael Batease from the Elk Calling Academy drops some great insight on how to call Elk. From a beginner to the experienced elk hunter, this episode will have you thinking about what to say come this September. After this episode you will know what each call sounds like and when to use them; giving you an advantage this season.
You can reach Michael at michael@elkcallingacademy.com
Instagram: Elkcallingacademy
YouTube: Elk Calling Academy
Thank you to www.HuntersHaul.com for giving listeners a 10% Discount on their subscription purchase! Just use code "opten" upon Checkout!

Monday Jul 02, 2018
Episode 09 | Building Your Brand With Jason Phelps
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Monday Jul 02, 2018
This Episode I got to sit down with Jason Phelps from www.phelpsgamecalls.com to talk about his background as an elk hunter and entrepreneur. This is an area that Jason and I are passionate about. He shares some insight on how he was able to grow his company into the well established and respected brand it is today.

Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
I get to sit down with Sage Davis from @chasingmoby and Luke Evans from @mtn_minded. I ask about their stories growing up and how they got to where they are now. Both Luke and Sage have ambitions to make a difference in the hunting industry, whether it be through filming hunts or sharing the lifestyle with those who don't. We also dive into being an ambassador to hunting and how you can help raise the bar on how hunters are portrayed.
www.purlpleheartoutdoors.com To get involved or donate to the foundation that Sage Davis talked about.
Sage has a YouTube Channel and Instagram. Check them out! @chasingmoby
Luke's website is www.mtnminded.com you can also find him on instagram; @mtn_minded
Thanks to www.huntershaul.com for giving our listeners 10% off there subscription box when sing promo code "opten"

Monday Jun 18, 2018
Episode 07 | How Oregon's Draw System Works With Gavin Weaver
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
This Episode I sit down with my brother, Gavin, to talk about Oregon's draw system and how it works. Every year you hear abut someone drawing with 0 points. Or, you hear the about the person with a 100% draw odd and they don't draw. How is that possoible? Well, Gavin breaks the draw system down and explains how the applicants are chosen.
www.huntershaul.com for your subsciption box needs. Use code "opten" for your 10% discount off you purchase.
www.onxmaps.com for you Escouting map needs. Hands down the single most used scouting and hunting tool I use!

Monday Jun 11, 2018
Episode 06 | Arrow Building With Chris Dunlap
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
This Episode I sit down with Chris Dunlap from Elk River Archery. Chris goes into depth on his arrow building process and how to choose what setup is best for you. This episode is great for beginners who want to learn how to start building their arrows and to folks who are already experienced in this area. You can find Chris on instagram at @Elk_River_Archery if you want to follow him.
Get entered in my giveaways by leaving me a 5 star review with a comment, so I can see who left the review. That will get you entered in the drawing I have coming up that you won't want to miss!
You can get more of my content on YouTube. Just search for Garrett Weaver and I'll pull right up.
Thanks for www.HuntersHaul.com for giving listiners to this podcast 10% off their next purchase by using the checkout code "OPTEN"
Thanks to www.onxmaps.com for supplying the podcast with cool giveaways.

Friday Jun 08, 2018
Episode 05 | The Legend Of Throat Punch And Papa Fish
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
This Episode I sit down with Austin Fisher (@Throatpunch34) and Darrell Fiser (@PapaFish777) just to talk about last years elk season. We share a ton of laughs and have a great time listening to their stories. I had a great time recording this episode and hope you get some laughs.
Thanks to www.onmaps.com
www.huntershaul.com has partnered with the show offering 10% off their subscription boxes with the coupon code "opten" upon checkout. They launched the new species specific boxes to get you more porducts that you can use.